[thelist] Odd Behavior last night with MySQL Server

Rob Smith rob.smith at THERMON.com
Fri Aug 6 14:44:58 CDT 2004

> 47,"Home","Books","Audiobooks","Movies, Music & Entertainment",""
> When exploded on , yields

Uh, "exploded"?? You must have a violent and noisy office :-)

Whatever you mean by that, it's irrelevant, unless this is a PHP
issue. This MySQL statement:

INSERT INTO ofnav VALUES (430,"Home","Books","Family, Parenting &amp; 
Education","","");   -- note the added field on the end! --

:: will work just fine; MySQL doesn't care about the comma when it's
inside a *quoted* string value.


Hassan. Let me put it in this light, and maybe you'll see what I see.

$filename = "/..absolute path ../test.csv";
$handle = fopen($filename, "r");
$contents = explode("\r\n", fread($handle, filesize($filename)));

ok. $contents would equal in one example (old version):
47,"Home","Books","Audiobooks","Movies, Music & Entertainment",""

to get the line I did this:
$line = explode(",",stripslashes($contents[$i]));

according to that the array $line would look like:

Music & Entertainment"

>:: will work just fine; MySQL doesn't care about the comma when 
>it's inside a *quoted* string value.

remember, I'm parsing from a text file and lines.

My newer version looks like this
47|"Home"|"Books"|"Audiobooks"|"Movies, Music & Entertainment"|""
$line = explode("|",stripslashes($contents[$i]));

which results in the desired effect:
"Movies, Music & Entertainment"

Thanks again for all your help on this.


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