[thelist] adding PHP and MySQL to RedHat

David Dorward evolt at david.us-lot.org
Mon Aug 16 03:40:07 CDT 2004

On 16 Aug 2004, at 06:38, Joel D Canfield wrote:
> Could someone who lives in the Linux world give me a reasonably  
> complete
> run down on how I get from RedHat 7.1 with no MySQL or PHP, to
> *anything* *with* MySQL and PHP.

I'm a big lover of Debian. I'd grab a netinstall CD with the new  
installer, and install Sarge. Then apt-get the rest of what I need.  
(Note that Sarge isn't stable yet, but it due for release shortly).


> Here's an example of the kind of confusion I'm suffering:

I am not a big lover of RPM and rarely touch it, but as I recall...

> Typing
>     rpm -il MySQL-server-4.0.20-0.i386.rpm
> returns
>     Package MySQL-server-4.0.20-0.i386.rpm is already installed

rpm -i accepts a *filename* to install

> however,
>     rpm -ql MySQL-server-4.0.20-0.i386.rpm
> returns
>     Package MySQL-server-4.0.20-0.i386.rpm is not installed

rpm -q accepts a *package name* to query. The package is called  

David Dorward

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