[thelist] Resources to learn flash

Rich Points rich at richpoints.com
Wed Aug 18 13:20:23 CDT 2004

I've been studying Flash MX 2004 for about a week now.  I have no past experience with Flash at all.  I've found some free tutorials on the web but most of them are for Flash MX.  I've also searched through the Flash help.  It seems there are a lot of resources if I want to pay for classes or access to more detailed websites.  At this point I feel like I'm swimming through molasses and slowly sinking.

What are some good (preferably free) resources for learning Flash MX 2004.

My specific problem right now is adding a hyperlink to a Flash animation.  I've put together the animation but I can't add a button behavior to it.  If someone knows of a tutorial on how to do this please point me to it.


Rich Points
Rich at RichPoints.com

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