[thelist] Re: Em dashes not displaying for the client

Clive R Sweeney clive at designshift.com
Thu Aug 26 14:17:53 CDT 2004

s t e f said the following on 8/26/2004 2:45 PM:

> Maybe I'm missing something, too, but why not use the valid — 
> entity?
> <http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/sgml/entities.html#h-24.4.1>

According to the article I referred to in my last message 
(http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/www/windows-chars.html), the entity 
&#8212; has "better support" than &mdash;

The &#8212; entity is valid and I think it's now the standard for 
displaying em dashes. Certainly it works for me in all my test browsers 
(on Windows and Mac).

But I guess I'm still in limbo here. We have this apparently 
authoritative article that suggests there's a problem, but I'd like to 
hear if others on thelist have actually experienced the problem. Is it 
really significant?

Clive R Sweeney
Designshift.com | Durham NC

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