[thelist] PHP image resize

brian cummiskey brian at hondaswap.com
Wed Sep 1 08:00:27 CDT 2004

ben morrison wrote:

> Im just learning PHP so this may be really obvious, I have built a  
> simple file upload and am now trying to create a thumbnail on the fly  
> which is scaled proportionally.
> On my server PHP 4.1.2 GD 1.6 Globals are set to ON.
> constantly getting parse errors, this is my current code:
> $first=ImageCreateFromJPEG("images/".$_FILES['MyFile']['name']) or  
> die("couldn't open image");
> define(MAX_WIDTH, 150);
> define(MAX_HEIGHT, 150);
> $width = imagesx($first);
> $height = imagesy($first);
> $scale = min(MAX_WIDTH/$width, MAX_HEIGHT/$height);
> $new_width = floor($scale*$width);
> $new_height = floor($scale*$height);
> $second=ImageCreate($new_width, $new_height) or die("couldn't create  
> image");
> ImageCopyResized($second,$first,0,0,0,0,$new_width,$new_height,$width,$h 
> eight) or die("coudln't resize image");
> ImageJPEG($second,$thumbname) or die("couldn't save image");
> the original image is working, $thumbname exists, ive just shown the  
> code thats causing the error.
> Ive tried so many different codes from tutorial sites and most of 
> them  don't seem to work - I presume this is due to versions and 
> globals etc?
> ben

here's a set of scripts I use.  Some of these functions Require GD 2.0,  
so i would really recommend upgrading your server to it.

First, the form-
<form action="upload.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">

<!-- the enc-type is very important. -->

<input name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" type="hidden" value="1000000">
<input maxlength="128" name="image" type="file" accept="image/jpeg, 
<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Upload!">

then, the upload functions on upload.php:

$IMG_ORG_HEIGHT    = "*";    #Width of original image stored on server
$IMG_ORG_WIDTH  = "*";    #Height of original image stored on server
                        #set to "*" to prevent resizing on the dimension
                        #you will not lose X to Y ratio
$IMG_HEIGHT = "60";           # Accepted height of resized image
$IMG_WIDTH  = "80";       # Accepted width of resized image
                        # read about "*" above

$IMG_ROOT = "./images";        # Relative path to folder where uploaded 
images will be stored; no ending slash!
                       # Remeber to set proper attributes to that 
folder. 777 will work :)
$use_imagecreatetruecolor = true; // these flags enble 
ImageCreateTrueColor(); ImageCopyResampled();  GD 1.6 doesn't have these.
$use_imagecopyresampled      = true;
$JPG_QUALITY    =    80; // output jpeg quality

//error_reporting(53); // dont need ur warnings!
if(!$HTTP_POST_FILES ["image"]["tmp_name"] || $HTTP_POST_FILES 
["image"]["tmp_name"] =="none") die("Your images may be no larger than 
100KB in size.  Please make it smaller, and try again.");

if( ! $f_org = 
color=\"red\"><b>No Image received...</b></font><br>");
if( ! $f_res = 
color=\"red\"><b>Not resized :( </b></font><br>");

$sz_org =getimagesize( "$IMG_ROOT/$f_org" );
$sz_res =getimagesize( "$IMG_ROOT/$f_res" );
$fs_org= filesize("$IMG_ROOT/$f_org" );
$fs_res= filesize("$IMG_ROOT/$f_res" );

$html =<<< EHTML

<table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" 
cellspacing="0" class="regtext">
    <td colspan="2" class="heading2" align="center">Thanks for your 
    <td colspan="2">Your full-sized image, as well as the below 
thumbnail have been successfully created and added to your album.  You 
will find the link to each picture by viewing your album.</td>
    <td colspan="2"><br /><br /><a class="regtext" 
href="upload.php">Click here to return to <b>Upload Another</b>.</a></td>
    <td colspan="2" align="center"><b>Resized image:</b></td>
    <td colspan="2">
      <div align="center"><img src="$IMG_ROOT/$f_res" $sz_res[3]></div>
    <td colspan="2"><hr></td>
    <td colspan="2"><b>Original image:</b></td>
    <td colspan="2"><b>Share this image: $IMG_ROOT/$f_org</b></td>
    <td colspan="2">
    <br />
    <br />
      <div align="center"><img src="$IMG_ROOT/$f_org" $sz_org[3]></div>
<td width="15%" bgcolor="#ffffff" height="100%">




echo $html;


//do SQL to insert into image DB if you have a DB for keeping track of 
who uploaded what/ albums/ etc

$dateadded = date("Y-m-d");
$user_id = $myclass->member['id'];

    $sql = "INSERT INTO images (id, thumbnail_url, photo_url, 
thumbnail_size, photo_size, album_id, user_id, dateadded, photo_dim, 
thumbnail_dim) VALUES (NULL, '$f_res', '$f_org', '$fs_res', '$fs_org', 
'$album_id', '$user_id', '$dateadded', '$sz_res[3]', '$sz_org[3]')";
    if(! $result = mysql_query($sql, $db))
            echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><i>(image and thumb successfully 
uploaded and inserted into the DB and into album.)</i></td></tr>";

echo "</table>";


function resizer_main($image, $dest_file_prefix,$w, $h){
//image_name = uploaded image. Name or your file field in your form.
//w,h - width and height to fit image in
global $use_imagecreatetruecolor, $use_imagecopyresampled, $IMG_ROOT, 
$image_name = $HTTP_POST_FILES [$image]["name"];
$image = $HTTP_POST_FILES [$image]["tmp_name"];

if(trim($image) == "" || trim($image) =="none") return false;

    $arr_img = image_from_upload($image);
    if( $arr_img["w"] != $w && $arr_img["h"] != $h){
        $wh    = get_sizes($arr_img["w"], $arr_img["h"], $w, $h);
        $img_res = img_get_resized(
            $arr_img["w"],    $arr_img["h"],
            $wh["w"],        $wh["h"],
    } else {
            //wow it is exactly like needed!!!
            $img_res = $arr_img["img"];
    $file_name = make_filename($image_name, $dest_file_prefix);


    return "$dest_file_prefix$file_name";

function image_from_upload($uploaded_file){

    $img_sz =  getimagesize( $uploaded_file );     ## returns array with 
some properties like dimensions and type;
    ####### Now create original image from uploaded file. Be carefull! 
GIF is often not supported, as far as I remember from GD 1.6
    switch( $img_sz[2] ){
        case 1:
            $img_type = "GIF";
            //$img = ImageCreateFromGif($uploaded_file);
            die("<br><font color=\"red\"><b>Sorry, Only JPG's are 
        case 2:
            $img = ImageCreateFromJpeg($uploaded_file);
            $img_type = "JPG";
        case 3:
            $img = ImageCreateFromPng($uploaded_file);
            $img_type = "PNG";
        case 4:
            $img_type = "SWF";
            //$img = ImageCreateFromSwf($uploaded_file);
            die("<br><font color=\"red\"><b>Sorry, Only JPG's are 

        default: die("<br><font color=\"red\"><b>Sorry, Only JPG's are 
    return array("img"=>$img, "w"=>$img_sz[0], "h"=>$img_sz[1], 
"type"=>$img_sz[2], "html"=>$img_sz[3]);


function get_sizes($src_w, $src_h, $dst_w,$dst_h ){
    //src_w ,src_h-- start width and height
    //dst_w ,dst_h-- end width and height
    //return array  w=>new width h=>new height mlt => multiplier
    //the function tries to shrink or enalrge src_w,h in such a way to 
best fit them into dst_w,h
    //keeping x to y ratio unchanged
    //dst_w or/and dst_h can be "*" in this means that we dont care 
about that dimension
    //for example if dst_w="*" then we will try to resize by height not 
caring about width
    //(but resizing width in such a way to keep the xy ratio)
    //if both = "*" we dont resize at all.
    #### Calculate multipliers
    $mlt_w = $dst_w / $src_w;
    $mlt_h = $dst_h / $src_h;

    $mlt = $mlt_w < $mlt_h ? $mlt_w:$mlt_h;
    if($dst_w == "*") $mlt = $mlt_h;
    if($dst_h == "*") $mlt = $mlt_w;
    if($dst_w == "*" && $dst_h == "*") $mlt=1;

    #### Calculate new dimensions
    $img_new_w =  round($src_w * $mlt);
    $img_new_h =  round($src_h * $mlt);
    return array("w" => $img_new_w, "h" => $img_new_h, "mlt_w"=>$mlt_w, 
"mlt_h"=>$mlt_h,  "mlt"=>$mlt);


    //$img_original, -- image to be resized
    //$img_w, -- its width
    //$img_h, -- its height
    //$img_new_w, -- resized width
    //$img_new_h -- height
    //$use_imagecreatetruecolor, $use_imagecopyresampled allow use of 
these function
    //if they exist on the server

    if( $use_imagecreatetruecolor && 
//        echo("Using ImageCreateTruecolor (better quality)<br>");
        $img_resized = imagecreatetruecolor($img_new_w,$img_new_h) or 
die("<br><font color=\"red\"><b>Failed to create destination 
    } else {
//        echo("Using ImageCreate (usual quality)<br>");
        $img_resized = imagecreate($img_new_w,$img_new_h) or 
die("<br><font color=\"red\"><b>Failed to create destination 

    if($use_imagecopyresampled && function_exists("imagecopyresampled")){
//        echo("Using ImageCopyResampled (better quality)<br>");
        imagecopyresampled($img_resized, $img_original, 0, 0, 0, 
0,$img_new_w, $img_new_h, $img_w,$img_h) or die("<br><font 
color=\"red\"><b>Failed to resize @ ImageCopyResampled()</b></font><br>");

//        echo("Using ImageCopyResized (usual quality)<br>");
        imagecopyresized($img_resized, $img_original, 0, 0, 0, 
0,$img_new_w, $img_new_h, $img_w,$img_h) or die("<br><font 
color=\"red\"><b>Failed to resize @ ImageCopyResized()</b></font><br>");
    return $img_resized;

function make_filename($image_name){

    ## creates unique name, here I assume that it will never happen that 
in same second
    ## two files with same name on user's site will be uploaded. However 
you can use your
    ## ways to generate unique name. Function unqueid() for example.

    //$file_name = time()."_$image_name"; 
    $file_name = uniqid('s').'.jpg';

    #kick the original extension
    $pos = strrpos($file_name, '.');
    //personally I think jpeg rulez so I hardoce its extension here
    $file_name = substr($file_name, 0,$pos).".jpg";
    return $file_name;

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