[thelist] sending mail to someone youve never met before

Alex Beston alex at deltatraffic.co.uk
Thu Sep 30 21:09:11 CDT 2004

 hi All

quite intrigued by:


"In email sent from your website, make the *"From" field clarify the 
customer relationship* and reduce the appearance of spam or anonymous 

and :

"Microcontent needs to be *pearls of clarity*: you get *40-60 characters 
to explain your macrocontent*. Unless the title or subject make it 
absolutely clear what the page or email is about, users will never open it."

Im going to be mailing alot of people soon (not automated i hasten to 
add!)  that have never heard of me or heard from me before and I was 
wondering if anyone could think of a good "from" and a good way of 
putting a subject.

so if I was getting people to look at a site ive made about time travel 
or rose pruning, what would be a good way to get attention without it 
appearing like junk?

its assumed that person x is already interested in subject y.

so the problem is getting over the natural or growing tendency of people 
to delete mail when they dont know who the sender is...


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