[thelist] vb.net: using subroutines within user controls - .ascx

Casey Crookston casey at thecrookstons.com
Mon Oct 11 16:56:51 CDT 2004

> -----Original Message-----

> Is it possible to use subroutines from within a user control?  If so, what
> is the syntax for declaring the sub?

------- David Said-----------

> In the code-behind file (the XXX.ascx.vb file) you can declare any sub you
> wish using the following syntax:
> Public Sub SubName()
> 'sub logic
> End Sub

Thanks David.  Okay, so:

<% Public sub header()

response.write("a bunch of html")

end sub %>

Like that?

When I do that, I an error on this line:  <% Public sub header()

Compiler Error Message: BC30289: Statement cannot appear within a method
body. End of method assumed.

Or is it like this:

<script runat="server">

Public sub header()

response.write("a bunch of html")

end sub


When I try that, then the page which calls the user control bombs out.

Line 26: <aspfd:header runat="server"/>

BC30188: Declaration expected.


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