[thelist] Anal String Replace (ASP)

Jason Handby jasonh at corestar.co.uk
Thu Oct 14 16:43:57 CDT 2004

>    Of course if you can do RegExps in your version of 
> VBScript, that might be the better option, but that's not my 
> area of expertise.

The regexp you need is below. It basically says, replace each dot with an
underscore provided that it's followed by another dot further down the

	s = "this.is.a.test.htm"
	Response.Write s & "<br>"

	set r = new RegExp
	r.Global = true
	r.Pattern = "\.(?=.*\.)"
	s = r.Replace(s, "_")
	Response.Write s

	set r = nothing

I know Rob doesn't need it any more, but I'm so happy that I just worked it
out! :-)


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