[thelist] XHTML 1.0 Strict -no target attribute allowed?

Symeon Charalabides symeon at systasis.com
Sat Oct 23 13:27:33 CDT 2004

> I have run them through the Validator, and the main stumbling block appears 
> to be the use of the target attribute for anchors (specifically 
> target="_"blank") for links to external sites which I wish to have open in 
> a new window. I have been crawling around W3c.org for ages, but cant find 
> anything on the syntax that I should use instead.

I have been using the following technique with satisfactory results:


The good things about it are:
- you don't cramp your HTML with JS statements that shouldn't be there
- it conforms with the spirit of Web Standards, not only with the syntax

Symeon Charalabides (cosmopolite trainee)

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