[thelist] Problems with ASP and IFRAME on a Mac

Anthony Baratta Anthony at Baratta.com
Mon Oct 25 17:10:10 CDT 2004

At 02:07 PM 10/25/2004, Rob Smith wrote:
> > I am out of ideas and am frustrated!
>Instead of an iframe, try:
><div style="height:175px;width:550px;overflow:auto;">
>big honker long table...
>Same visual effect, except that now all your stuff is on one page.

With big huge tables...use a row count check to pump out a new table every 
100 rows or so. This will help with the render speed. Also add to the page 
"response.buffer = false" so the HTML is given to the browser as it's being 
generated instead of holding it until the page is done executing.

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