[thelist] RE: link spam a new spam

ANDREA STREIGHT astreight at msn.com
Fri Nov 19 12:56:44 CST 2004

Thank you for your contributions to my understanding of what I'm now calling 
"Content Hypertext Spam" i.e. the VibrantMedia IntelliTXT garbage.

It is encouraging to see that the vast majority of responses, by my 
calculations, were in opposition to this deceptive form of greed.

I think it is important to have sympathy for seniors, very young people, 
people in developing countries, newbies, less educated people, and others 
who are easily misguided, too trusting, and just not as savvy as some of us 
hopefully are on this discussion list.

In this matter, and many others, I've been delighted with those who stand up 
for users, and denounce anything that takes freedom of choice, ease of 
navigation, and credible information away from them.

I don't delight just because people agree with me, in fact I usually learn 
more from those who offer a different point of view, but I do delight in the 
concern for honesty, ethics, and altruism.

My summary article on "Content Hypertext Spam" is online at:


in which I provide a few fairly good external sources of information.

I do not engage in bashing VibrantMedia, but the concept represented by this 
spam/advertising gimmick.

Be sure to check out my link to Wired.com article "This Headline is Not For 

Steven Streight
Web Usability Analyst/Web Artist
astreight at msn.com
vaspersthegrate at yahoo.com

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