[thelist] RE: asp.net: Why won't InitialValue work

Timothy Kuhn (CW) tkuhn-cw at starbucks.com
Wed Dec 22 12:48:34 CST 2004

I think that you need to set the text property in the textbox to the
initial value also. Such as

<asp:textbox id="joined" runat="server" text="enter a value" />

<asp:RequiredFieldValidator initialValue="enter a value" id="rfvJoined"
ErrorMessage="Required: Enter Date: MM-DD-YYYY" Display="Dynamic"
runat="server" />

I didn't have time to test this but I do think it is correct.

If I include InitialValue="MM-DD-YYYY" in the
nothing happens... it's like it's not even there.  If I include it in
RequiredFieldValidator, it also does not display the initial value, AND
validator stops working and allows an empty value.  What's with that?
can I make this work?

<form runat="server">

<asp:textbox id="joined" runat="server" />

<asp:RegularExpressionValidator id="revJoined"
ErrorMessage="Formt: Enter Date: MM-DD-YYYY"  Display="Dynamic"
ValidationExpression="\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4}" runat="server" />

<asp:RequiredFieldValidator id="rfvJoined" ControlToValidate="joined"
ErrorMessage="Required: Enter Date: MM-DD-YYYY" Display="Dynamic"
runat="server" />


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