Evolt Re: [thelist] SEO keywords not on source but on copy??

Chris Heilmann lists at onlinetools.org
Wed Jan 19 11:13:31 CST 2005

> Good to know I am not the only one who hadn't seen that before....I saw
> those js at the bottom but thought they were only for the visible
> menu.....
> My bad for not downloading the Js code and checking.....
> So if a bot won't read that what would explain such a good positioning?
> Maybe the fact the page is mostly text describing their services? Or
> maybe as Johny B pointed out some googlebots might be able to read that
> and index it?
> Is that considered to be bot spamming?

I think it is just the sheer amount of links in and out of the site that
does it. It might also be that it has been around for a very long time.


Chris Heilmann
http://icant.co.uk/ | http://www.onlinetools.org/

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