[thelist] RE: blaster worm punishment

Juha Suni juha.suni at ilmiantajat.fi
Mon Jan 31 03:37:54 CST 2005

Steven Streight wrote:
> We've all heard how the "teenager" who unleashed the
> Blaster worm, primarily against Microsoft, got only 18
> months jail time, court supervision for 3 years, and
> has to pay up to $1 million damages.

"only" ?

I really dont know what you think would be suitable then. Jailtime and
supervision are one thing, but unless the guy can pull 1 million dollars
from his ass, his life is totally screwed already. What he did was stupid,
irresponsible and all that. If you feel that the punishment is not enough to
terrify others from doing the same, then nothing is.

And the terrorism part, aw come on. I am sorry to say the word has been
overused to death, and the only thing it brings to my mind these days is the
stupidity that resides within the administration in the US. Sorry, all
flames in private please.

<tip type="tracking and billing worked hours" author ="Juha Suni">
Doing work and projects for many customers can quickly result in a
surprisingly large amount of unaccounted and unpaid work being done, just
because you forgot to bill them, or even forgot that you took several half
an hour phonecalls with the client during the month. I strongly recommend
using some sort of application to track each and every working hour daily,
for each employee. In the end writing down every hour or half an hour per
day is not that time consuming, and it is truly amazing how much little work
there is that never gets accounted for. This also helps a lot in estimating
future project budgets and deadlines. I can recommend OpenAir
(www.openair.com), although it might be too massive for smaller companies.

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