[thelist] How do I properly query multiple tables?

Brian Cummiskey Brian at hondaswap.com
Wed Feb 9 16:55:21 CST 2005

Pringle, Ron wrote:

> I first want to check the eventDates table and compare the eventDate field
> to a querystring that is passed to the ASP page.

ok, so the first thing you want to do is grab the date from the 
querystring and make it a local var to make things easier to read

EDate = CDate(Request.QueryString("EventDate"))


> Then I want to grab all event records that match that date and link the
> records together from all tables based on a primarykey field of eventID.

select * from tbl_event EV	
join tbl_eventdates ED
on EV.eventID = ED.eventID
-->//// now do the same join for the other tables...
join tbl_contact C
on EV.eventID = C.eventID
join tbl_link L
on EV.eventID = L.eventID
where EV.eventdate = EDate

> Some of the tables will have no values stored in them, as those fields are
> optional.

that's fine.  if the event ID doesn't have a link or whatever for that 
ID, that field will simply be blank-  but as long as the EDate matches 1 
other, you will get a record row.


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