[thelist] css question about positioning and floating

Robin Hastings robin.hastings at gmail.com
Tue Mar 29 11:59:32 CST 2005

On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 12:37:11 -0500, Dan McCullough
<dan.mccullough at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a question about floating a box or making it so it sits down
> near the bottom of a page.
> .elitebox {position:absolute;left:55px;top:445px;width:200px;border:
> 1px solid #FFF;padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;text-align:center;}
> is what I have now and on most pages it works fine.  however there are
> some pages where the text from above comes down and goes over the top
> or the note is there away push that box down?
With the box being absolutely positioned, it's being taken out of the
"flow" of the document - the rest of the elements on the page don't
know it's there and will overlap it whenever they are longer than
445px (in your case). The CSS-D wiki has some ideas on faking an
absolutely positioned footer
(http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=FooterInfo), but I don't know of
any technique that works cross-browser...

Robin Hastings
robin.hastings at gmail.com

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