[thelist] constructing a good search string/query

Simon Willison cs1spw at bath.ac.uk
Mon May 2 14:50:57 CDT 2005

On 2 May 2005, at 20:01, Dan McCullough wrote:
> Here is the query.
> select * from search_string where lower(searchstring) like  
> '%"+searchTerm+"%'
> searchTerm can be red, which returns all items with red, and large and
> so forth.  however mispelling a name by 1 letter, like leaving off a
> "n" out of "Conner" will cause you to get no results.
> any thoughts or help.

Have you looked in to some kind of external search indexing software?  
I've had excellent results in the past with Swish-E, which is open  


The downside is that you it needs installing, which means it probably  
isn't suitable for shared hosting accounts. It's fantastic if you can  
run it though.


Simon Willison

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