[thelist] DOM - Retrieving child nodes using a compound expression

raskenbo raskenbo at gmail.com
Thu May 12 12:36:19 CDT 2005

Hi List.

I'm aware that a DOM interface exists (childNodes) to achieve
precisely what I am trying to. Unfortunately it has cross-browser

What I want is to retrieve all of the input elements that are located
within a specific div.

I've tried the following:
  var inputs = document.getElementById("questiona").getElementstByTagName("input");

Here's the error message that the Firefox JavaScript console throws
when I try the above code:
  Error: document.getElementById("questiona").getElementstByTagName is
not a function

I'm probably missing something obvious but I've spent too much time on
this and would really appreciate an "extra set of eyes".

Demo (with described problem)

Demo (without guilty function)

JavsScript: Next() and Validator() functions

Validator() function desciption:
Checks a group of radio buttons and returns true if one is selected or
false if none are selected.

Ken Chase
Freelance Web Design

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