[thelist] CSS-Only Forms That Don't Suck

Jeff Howden jeff at jeffhowden.com
Mon Jun 20 14:05:20 CDT 2005


> From: Hershel Robinson
> > > http://dev.jeffhowden.com/css_forms/
> Looks good. Except that on Firefox 1.0 on Win 2K when
> I click on the input just below "How do I stop my
> family members from interfering?" the radio is checked
> for me nicely but the focus jumps to the radio and I 
> can't type in the box.

That is probably a symptom of the text input being wrapped in the label for
the radio button.  That can probably be solved with just a tiny bit of
scripting which I've intentionally avoided until the layout/css was

 [>] Jeff Howden
     jeff at jeffhowden.com

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