[thelist] dynamic font size

VOLKAN ÖZÇELİK volkan.ozcelik at gmail.com
Tue Jul 12 20:56:01 CDT 2005

> Most browsers already have this built in. There's no need, and plenty of
> reason not to, re-implement what the browser already has.

There may be reasons (we love clients don't we?) though :)

Because, to enable font-resize the font-size CSS attribute may only be
supplied with relative units such as em's or with x-large, xx-large,
small etc - type CSS value.

Either of these has their problems for thier own sake. Neither em's,
nor other relative font-size attributes are not unique in height
between different platforms/OS's. This generally leads real pain in
the arse if you use font-sizes below the default "normal" size
and most of the time we -as designers- do use 'cuz the default size
is, imho, too big to be pleasent to our eyes.

Even if we insist not to use and leave the decision to use the right
size to the user;
the user:

i. either may not have the knowlegde that their browser has a adjust
font size or page zoom property.

ii. Or the default sizes provided will be "way too large" according to
them and will think that the site is not aestetically pleasing to
their eyes.

If you are a "me want accessibility at all costs" man: em's are the way to go.
But in some real-life scenarios you may find yourself forced to use pixels as
the unit of measure. 

Because only pixel is universal across all platforms/browsers.
1px is 1px; the smallest tiny dot on the screen in MSIE-win, in
Safari-Mac, in Opera-Linux, in Saturn Neptun Pluto...

In short it's hard to please everyone and at times you find yourselves
to choose the greatest common denominator.


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