[thelist] Blog, that saves and displays the content sent by email

manuel.gonzalez.noriega at gmail.com manuel.gonzalez.noriega at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 14:05:00 CDT 2005

> if you have your
> blog set up to accept email entries you must keep that blog email
> address very secret. If you don't then anyone who has it can post to
> that blog.

Really? A 'user/pass in the subject' authentication system can't be that 
hard to write surely :)

a veces :) a veces :( 
pero siempre trabajando duro para Simplelógica: apariencia, experiencia y 
comunicación en la web.
http://simplelogica.net # (+34) 985 22 12 65

¡Ah! y escribiendo en Logicola: http://simplelogica.net/logicola/

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