[thelist] Connecting to remote daabase?

Brian Cummiskey Brian at hondaswap.com
Tue Aug 9 13:08:51 CDT 2005

looks like a MS SQL box.  if its not, this probably won't apply.

  Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;UID=abc456;Password=******;Persist Security 
Info=False;Initial Catalog=abc123;Data Source=fubar.url.com:1433

of course, fill that in with the right stuff :p

the firewall on their end that the sql box is behind will need to port 
forward 1433 to the sql box.  verify that with them before you even 
attempt to conenct (it should be up if they gave you the port..  but you 
never know-- 1433 is the default sql port, and if they have more than 1 
DB server, you might have connection probelms, as it needs to be 
specified on the firewall which one to go to on the domain)

you would use the DSN to conenct to the box for queries w/ odbc.  and 
that depends on the language you are using for the site it self.

Casey wrote:
> I'm doing some sub-contracting for a new client, and he gave me the following information on the database to which I need to connect:
>       Database Name:            
>      abc123
>       SQL Login:
>      abc456
>       SQL Password:
>      xxxxxx
>       TCP/IP Server Name:
>      fubar.url.com
>       SQL Server Port:
>      1433
>       DSN on Web Server:
>      abc789
> I have no idea how to build a connection string to a remote database.... is this even possible?  any point in the right direction would be great.
> Thanks!

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