[thelist] CSS Question - Table Inheritance

pandy pandion at gmx.net
Thu Sep 22 11:25:13 CDT 2005

Jay Blanchard wrote:
>'#content, #content td, #content th'. I think
>maybe '#content, #content table' is enough, but too lazy to check.
>Did this, but still had to declare font within the selector, it didn't

How do you mean now? I meant like so
#content, #content td, #content th   { font: .... }
#content, #content table {font:... }

... which I now realize is stupid in case you use a relative font size... 
The suggestion to use 'font-size: 100%' for table was much better.

>Where do I enable Standards Mode in IE?

It's in the doctype (sort of).

If you have designed the whole site only for IE in Quirks Mode though, this 
may not be what you want to do. It will make IE6 get a lot of things 
correctly, like the box model, and also introduce some funky bugs.


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