[thelist] css/dom drop down menu not working in IE

Judah McAuley judah at wiredotter.com
Thu Oct 6 12:37:37 CDT 2005

Kasimir K wrote:
> Funny you don't get JS errors, as my FF sure gave one. And for a good 
> reason, as in http://wiredotter.com/sites/menu.js your first line is:
> <script type="text/javascript">
> Ain't no JavaScript that one... that's (x)html and has no place in a 
> js-file. Oh, the same goes for </script> too :-)
> .k

Well, I feel a bit stupid about that one :)  The javascript was 
originally in the head section and I moved it to an external file when I 
was working on xhtml validation. Completely forgot to remove the script 

Removing those takes care of the error in IE...but, alas, it still 
doesn't make the drop down menu work.

The thing that gets me is that the menu worked just fine in IE when the 
styles were applied to the global ul and li elements. But when I changed 
the style to #mainnav ul and li, it continued to work in Moz/Firefox, 
but stopped working in IE.


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