[thelist] php session variable needs to persist

Robert Vreeland vreeland at studioframework.com
Wed Nov 9 07:04:12 CST 2005

>>Robert Vreeland wrote:

>> but I think Paul is looking for a way to keep session variables alive 
>> without having to get into working with a database.

Ian Wrote
>Hmm, some sort of "persistent state", in other words.

>Why is complicating matters with popups and cross-window JavaScript
communication a more elegant solution than >using the Persistent State
Mechanism - cookies, in other words?

>This is what they are for, no?

Yes and no, there is a limit to how much, and what you can store in a cookie
as well as how many cookies you can set. Since storing actual user data in a
cookie is a big security no-no, he would still be looking at using a local
data store on the server - either a database or a flat file, and depending
on the location and configuration of the directory used for the flat files
there is a risk of exposing session data to public access.

Additionally, it, in my opinion, is less work to launch a pop up and then
close it then to connect and query a database and then parse the results.
Also, maybe someone will no the answer to this, if Paul launches the link in
an IFRAME or Frame, the Thank You page, if it is a return link from paypal,
will resides on the host server and may have direct access to the session.
This would be even simpler, since, then, all Paul would need to do is use
the target attribute of the link to load the page in the FRAME / IFRAME.

Please note, I am not advocating against a persistent cookie, but there is
more backend work involved and my impression was that Paul was looking to
avoid that.


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