[thelist] (asp.net) application variables

Peter Brunone (EasyListBox.com) peter at easylistbox.com
Wed Mar 22 16:29:57 CST 2006

		Actually, you don't necessarily need to call .ToString; I can Response.Write the value just fine.  The exception would be if you're running Option Strict, but in that case you'd get an implicit conversion error rather than the seeming out-of-place remark about static members.

				From: thelist at cjmarsh.com


> Hmmm, the error goes away, but the value is empty.
> How and where are you populating "sqlConnectionString"?

This would be in the web.config file. Within the tag there will 
be a tag . You can add your own tag thus within this tag:


> > strFoo = Application("foo")
> > 
> > which produces the error: "Reference to a non-shared member 
> > requires an object reference".

I'm not sure about this, but do you need to call the ToString() method thus:

strFoo = Application("foo").ToString()



Chris Marsh

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