[thelist] returning output from MSSQL to vbscript

Canfield, Joel JCanfield at PacAdvantage.org
Tue Apr 18 16:21:32 CDT 2006

> cmd.parameters.append cmd.createparameter("@intIDOut", adInteger,
> adParamOutput, oVal)
> Response.Write "@intIDOut = " & cmd.parameters("@intIDOut").value

huh. thanks.

so, is using ADODB.Command the only way to get the output value? I've
never used it, which is probably why I wasn't having much success.

(not that it affects your answer, really, but I'm just not going to
derail this entire mini-project to learn a new way to talk to the
database in my present frame of mind [the one where my wife has been in
hospital almost a week and won't be home for some time and I'm having a
hard time concentrating.])

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