[thelist] idea behind ajax: clear non-presentation-only-logic on server end

Olivier percebois-Garve percebois at gmail.com
Sun May 28 09:27:59 CDT 2006

Cakephp (I love it)
Symfony (The other big one, different approach)
Zend (ha ha Vaporware)

Hassan Schroeder wrote:
> Zhang Weiwu wrote:
>> Is it me or a lot of people thought about the same thing too? I have been
>> developing web application for 3 years and I very often get messed up with
>> "PHP generated HTML with PHP generated javascript" and ends up getting
>> fighting 4 different escape methods and security check. This is none sense.
> Yes, it is. Your problem is in the "generating HTML" aspect -- just
> don't do that. :-)
> Using an MVC-oriented templating approach like Velocity or JSP (Java
> examples, dunno about PHP) eliminates this problem completely.

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