[thelist] MS Publisher to Web

T. R. Valentine trvalentine at gmail.com
Wed May 31 09:43:11 CDT 2006

On 30/05/06, Debbie Pomerance <debbie.pomerance at gmail.com> wrote:

> Can you be a bit more specific on how the conversion MS Pub does from a
> printable newsletter to HTML is done poorly - what can I expect to see -
> what will I need to clean up before posting on the web?

I inherited a site where the HTML pages were done via a conversion
from MS Publisher. Then someone made a 'little tweak' and it stopped
working in any non-IE browser. That's when they turned to me.

Most of the pages had to be completely redone. Result: average size of
page went from 60k to 4k and it worked in all browsers. (Most of their
users are dial-up!)


T. R. Valentine
Use a decent browser: Safari, Firefox, Mozilla, Opera
(Avoid IE like the plague it is)

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