[thelist] ASP.NET Adding a linkbutton programmatically

Casey Crookston caseyc at IntelliSoftmn.com
Mon Aug 7 15:34:41 CDT 2006

>>If that's the case, I think you shouldn't be trying to assign the
click handler programmatically.   You should just assign the listbox one
click handler, and then INSIDE the click-handler, you should account for
whatever possibilities you want to handle programmatically.<<

Tab, Doing it this way seemed to make so much more sense then:

<asp:LinkButton id="linkButtonA" Text="A" runat="Server" />
<asp:LinkButton id="linkButtonB" Text="B" runat="Server" />
<asp:LinkButton id="linkButtonC" Text="C" runat="Server" />
<asp:LinkButton id="linkButtonD" Text="D" runat="Server" />
<asp:LinkButton id="linkButtonE" Text="E" runat="Server" />

All the way to Z

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