[thelist] Which Free Opensource AJAX Framework is worth the time and effort?

sbeam sbeam at onsetcorps.net
Mon Aug 21 12:58:57 CDT 2006

On Sunday 20 August 2006 23:31, sam foster wrote:
> I really need the extra extensibility, package
> system and overall commitment I get from Dojo that it will take me as
> far as I need to go, and play nice with others. Along the way I get
> some nice goodies like the superb event system, lotsa widgets,
> client-side storage api, browser backbutton / undo support,
> environment agnostic codebase (doesnt assume a browser - nice for unit
> tests and other automation) etc.

OK, but dojo is labeled as alpha-ish with a point release just a tad 
above 0.3 now. And the documentation, performance, and bug density 
reflect that (in my limited experience with it). So are you or is 
anyone using it for a production site?

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