[thelist] PayPal bought Verisign

David Kaufman david at gigawatt.com
Mon Nov 6 16:35:58 CST 2006

Hi Hershel,

Hershel Robinson <hershel at galleryrobinson.com> wrote:
> Said one of my clients:
> ====
> Now that PayPal bought Verisign we're finding that they are charging
> us more and for things that we weren't billed for before.  Please see
> if there is anyone out there that knows of a reputable, reliable
> alternative to Verisign.
> ====
> Any suggestions? This is for a fairly large (and growing), established
> ecommerce shop.

Depends on what Verisign services they were using.

For SSL certs, there are lots of alternatives to Verisign.  I suppose 
Thawte has historically been the #2 provider behind Verisign, though 
GeoTrust.com and InstanSSL.com have mature and much more aggressively 
priced SSL certificates.

And if he was using them for payment processing, oh my god, anything 
would be better than PayFlowPro.  Verisign threw their PFP product 
together in about 2 minutes, right after they bought their technically 
superior competitor Cybercash (or I should say bought its customer 
contracts) and proceeded to shut down that service and force its hapless 
users to migrate to PFP while it was practically still in beta.  Oh, the 
horro stories :-)

Tell him to use Authorize.net.


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