[thelist] sql de-doupe

Brian Cummiskey brian at hondaswap.com
Sat Feb 2 01:38:14 CST 2008

Hi guys,

I'm working with MS sql 2000 here.

I have a temp table that i need to de-doupe.   It has multple 'models' 
due to categories

modelA	cat1
modelA	cat2
modelB	cat1
modelB	cat2


Using distinct won't work, so I came up with a de-doupe process.  It 
works...   but it works too good :)   I'm losing some valid records, 
meaning that it's either not duplicated, or it is duplicated but neither 
gets in.

here's my block:   anyone see anything wrong?

--  SET UP
declare @modelcount int

declare @temp3 table
( model  varchar(100)

-- GRAB DISTINCT MODELS FROM WORKING TABLE (@temp2) and place into this 
simple @temp3 table

insert into @temp3
select model from @temp2
group by model

-- get count of @temp3
select @modelcount = @@rowcount

-- loop one at a time and pull all data from @temp2 for only 1 instance 
of model # into @temp4
-- remove that model from @temp3, then recount @temp3

while @modelcount > 0
		insert into @temp4
		select top 1 * from @temp2 where model = (select top 1 model from 
@temp3 order by model asc)
		delete from @temp3 where model = (select top 1 model from @temp3 order 
by model asc)
		select @modelcount = count(*) from @temp3

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