[thelist] Real human keyword figure-outer

Joshua Olson joshua at waetech.com
Tue Mar 25 18:01:17 CDT 2008

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stuart Young
> Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 4:30 PM
> sounds like you expect too much for a free service - people 
> are only going to answer your question if you pay them for 
> their time.

I think you are right.  I do have an idea though.  I believe that web
professionals like people on the list are often getting asked to manage, or
at least be a part of managing, pay-per-click services.  While you can
easily see what search terms people are using to find your site via the log
files, it's not easy to tell which terms people SHOULD be finding your site
by.  So, my idea is this.  Instead of us all guessing, we all go to a tool
where we can submit the general nature of our site and ask the simple
question of "what would you search on to find my site?"  As payment, you are
presented with 10 random website descriptions from other people, and have to
answer 4 of them by entering search term(s).  Once a person has a decent
number of answers (like 100 or something) their question is removed from

That's it.  If you want your question posted, your payment is answering
other people's.  So long as people are finding value in the results they get
and keep coming back, it should be self-sustaining.

Hmmm... Am I on to something?

Seems like it would be a valuable tool if only some interest could be found.


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