[thelist] iPhone (browser) detection

Erika ekm at seastorm.com
Sun Sep 28 14:11:49 CDT 2008

Mark Groen wrote:
>> 1. don't bother w/ detecting iPhone and just KISS
> Hmmm...

LOL Mark, care to elaborate?  This IMO will work good enough on a lot of 
sites delivering simple, focused content.

>> 2. detect iPhone with CSS and hook it up with an iPhone-optimized
>> stylesheet
> Apple recommends using Object Detection:
> http://developer.apple.com/documentation/AppleApplications/Reference/SafariWebContent/CreatingContentforSafarioniPhone/chapter_2_section_3.html

Yes, it seems as a general "best practice."   My experience is leading 
me to think that in reality, iPhone Safari *is* a special case for these 

1. popularity

2.   Though supported, certain events aren't going to work the same due 
to a. screen real estate and  b. touch navigation

I have *never* in my life built two HTML pages for two different 
browsers.  Never had the need, and definitely never had the desire. 
However, for a site that is complex, interactive, and high-traffic, I am 
currently of the opinion that iPhone is absolutely a special-case 
browser. (Facebook and Twitter agree: see http://www.iphone.facebook.com 
and http://twitterforiphone.com/)

So it would seem like in some cases, you are going to want to send 
iPhone users to a special place, regardless of the browser's DOM 
support.  (Keeping in mind that Android and others are just around the 


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