[thelist] md5 hashed password problem

Bob Meetin bobm at dottedi.biz
Thu Nov 6 14:32:30 CST 2008

Hassan Schroeder wrote:
> <tip type="MySQL" author="Hassan Schroeder">
> MySQL password authentication changed between 4.0 and 4.1.
> For compatibility an OLD_PASSWORD function is available on 4.1 and above,
> and a variable OLD_PASSWORDS = ["OFF","ON"] defines default behavior.
> If for some reason -- DB migration, consolidation of apps -- you have a
> mix of old- and new-style passwords and the MySQL instance is defaulted to
> the old password style, it's possible to set the OLD_PASSWORDS variable on
> a per-connection basis, so as not to affect possible older clients that
> need that compatibility, e.g.
> /* Thanks to Anthony Baratta for pointing out the length difference could
>    be used to determine which routine to employ.
>  */
> mysql> INSERT INTO users SET user='Fred',password=PASSWORD("bananas");
> Query OK, 1 row affected (0.12 sec)
> mysql> INSERT INTO users SET user='Barney',password=OLD_PASSWORD("bananas");
> Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
> mysql> SELECT * FROM users;
> +----+--------+-------------------------------------------+
> | id | user   | password                                  |
> +----+--------+-------------------------------------------+
> |  1 | Fred   | *9E303C97B1C59D393AFCCAEB156C148C1F9E0D67 |
> |  2 | Barney | 0b0d276260c19cd1                          |
> +----+--------+-------------------------------------------+
> mysql> SELECT IF(LENGTH(password)=16,
> IF(password=OLD_PASSWORD("bananas"), true, false),
> IF(password=PASSWORD("bananas"),true, false)) AS result FROM users;
> +--------+
> | result |
> +--------+
> |      1 |
> |      1 |
> +--------+
> mysql> SELECT IF(LENGTH(password)=16,
> IF(password=OLD_PASSWORD("bagels"), true, false),
> IF(password=PASSWORD("bagels"),true, false)) AS result FROM users;
> +--------+
> | result |
> +--------+
> |      0 |
> |      0 |
> +--------+
> More info on MySQL encryption:
> <http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/encryption-functions.html>
> </tip>
It's been a while since this thread has surfaced. New project, new 
twist. I have a site which is growing exponentially which I originally 
designed with a custom registration scheme. It's grown to the point that 
we've decided to transition to Joomla 1.5+ which using a different 
encryption method. Wishing we had known this in advanced using the 
Joomla method now does no good. I'd rather not hack the registration 
screen itself (and method) but with 800+ users something has gotta give.

I can undoubtedly create a custom form in Joomla to authenticate members 
by going to the old passwords first (and create a joomla password), but 
I'm not clear on not clear on how to switch login forms to joomla for 
those who have successfully authenticated.

Or perhaps I use a 'forgot password' technique? Ideas?

Bob Meetin

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