[thelist] page width trend - 800 or 1024 or other?

Barry Woolgar barry at burnthebook.co.uk
Thu Dec 11 10:00:12 CST 2008


> Usability-wise, I don't know how people surf the web with larger
> monitors.  Do they resize windows? (I'm talking about PC users.)

I have a 20" monitor which runs at 1680x1050 and mostly browse full screen.
If I'm reading a wall of text I'll just use Opera's - and now Firefox et
al's - zoom function (ctrl+mousewheel) to make the fixed width site fit
snugly without affecting the original layout. I can then lean back in my
comfy chair, and read at a far more comfortable distance. I barely notice
I'm doing it now!

When I have to use a Mac at work I quickly get frustrated as OS X is geared
more towards lots of layered windows so full screen use could be rarer. Not
because of the frustration, but just due to the way the OS tends to work.



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