[thelist] IE - Done, but with errors on the page

Lee Kowalkowski lee.kowalkowski at googlemail.com
Sat Aug 1 16:19:54 CDT 2009

2009/7/31 Bob Meetin <bobm at dottedi.biz>:
> IE6 or IE7 - Done, but with errors on the page
> Pages load fine but display the error at the bottom of the browser.
> Firefox is happy.  How do you commonly troubleshoot this problem?

That particular message is exclusively reserved for JavaScript as far as I know.

Double-clicking the message should bring up a pop-up window with
details, keep an eye out if the 'previous' button is enabled, as it's
likely a previous error is more relevant.  And the line number is
normally out by 1, probably because it considers the first line as
line 0.

I troubleshoot IE-specific JavaScript errors with the Microsoft Script
Editor that comes as an optional install with MS Office.  If you have
MS Office, you can install it via Add/Remove programs and browsing
through the custom installation options for Office.  This is probably
a 'lite' version of Visual Studio, but it's far far better than the
free Script Debugger you can get from Microsoft, which I find
practically featureless.


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