[thelist] videos / page load speed

Bob Meetin bobm at dottedi.biz
Sun Nov 6 13:40:17 CST 2011

1) Is there a particular way you should set up videos which will least impact page load speed?

2) With many players you can choose to upload a video to your website and display it locally or link to a YouTube or similar service.  Does that extra hop to these services have any, much impact on load speed?

3) On a couple sites I'm using a player which works with playlists. In the control panel you administer the playlist, maximum 25 (am conservative thus far).  I've noticed that the player 'seems' to take longer as more videos are added.  Is this what it is or are there techniques to setting up playlists that are more efficient for downloads and such?

-Thx, Bob

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