[thelist] should user account pages be SSL?

Stuart Young drstuey at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 14:26:16 CST 2013

Hi all,

I'm wondering what everyone thinks - should user account pages, (e.g. a
registration page, or change password page) be secured.

Would you refuse to login to a site where the login form wasn't secure?
Would you refuse to sign a e-petition that asked for your contact details
if the form wasn't secure?

Or can you get away with only credit card form submissions being encrypted
and not other forms?

Are there any links to articles online that have any evidence or opinions
on this matter? I've tried many different searches and all I can find is
that is written by someone that sells SSL certificates so it could be

Thanks in advance!


This is the gmail account of Stuart Young
Avondale, Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand

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