[Javascript] Form submission problem

Rees, Mark (TWIi London) mrees at twii.net
Mon Aug 20 06:14:28 CDT 2001


I'm trying to submit a form using a text link rather than an image/submit
button. The form is called generate (not a reserved word as far as I can
see) so my syntax is like so:

<a href="javascript:document.generate.submit();">submit</a>

This gives me a line 1 char 1 Document does not support this property or
method error (in ie). In netscape I get document.generate.submit is not a
function. However the submit button right next to it works fine.

I've used this syntax before on other forms - I'm totally mystified. I would
post code but it's a bit massive.

Any ideas?

Thanks for any help you can provide


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