[Javascript] hidden check box element

Tom Wheeler tom at wheelercreek.com
Fri Dec 28 10:02:04 CST 2001

This works in IE, but in Netscape I think the only way to do this is to 
enclose the form in a <DIV>, and then access its style properties.  If
anyone has other info I would like to know.

<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript">
function showElement(toggle) {
 if (toggle == 'on') document.theForm.theCheckBox.style.visibility =
 if (toggle == 'off') document.theForm.theCheckBox.style.visibility =
<FORM name="theForm">
<input type="checkbox"  style="visibility:hidden" name="theCheckBox">
Are you there?
<A HREF="javascript:showElement('on')">show checkbox</A>
<A HREF="javascript:showElement('off')">hide checkbox</A>

M. Amin wrote:
Dear All,

in my html file i set a check box hidden as <input type=checkbox
style=visibility:hidden >........
and i'd like to trigger its visibility property using java script or by
using any solving idea.

Any help will be appreciated,
 M. Amin

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