[Javascript] Opening Intranet links with a set navigation fra me

Filipiak, Bob (Contractor) filipiab at atsc.army.mil
Tue Mar 20 11:52:27 CST 2001

Personally, I wouldn't attempt to show someone else's work in my frameset
since it would give the appearance that the pages were mine. I don't think
there are many folks out there that would give permission to show their work
in your frames. A link maybe but not their page. IMHO

-----Original Message-----
From: Ciko, David [mailto:david_ciko at merck.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 12:35 PM
To: javascript at LaTech.edu
Subject: RE: [Javascript] Opening Intranet links with a set navigation fra

Thanks for all the help...
I think I've almost got it, but the code I'm using just isn't changing the
URL. I know it's parsing the url, but where am I going wrong. 
The reason I can't use Esters suggestion is that the content is controlled
by numerous different providers and I cannot modify the code they have for
their various sites.
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