[Javascript] scrollable TABLE BODY while the HEADER is fixed

Dan Costea costea at ssi-schaefer-noell.com
Sun Feb 10 15:47:20 CST 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jacoby, Peter R." <PJACOBY at PARTNERS.ORG>
To: <javascript at LaTech.edu>
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 4:14 PM
Subject: RE: [Javascript] scrollable TABLE BODY while the HEADER is fixed

> >>How can I provide a scrollable TABLE BODY while the HEADER and FOOTER is
> fixed for IE???
> I've been working on the same problem this week and was hoping someone
> had a good answer for both of us.  What I've done is a work-around, but
> quite bad enough to call it a cheat.
>     .............................etc.................................

I'm sorry but I had to cut your answer in this replay, because it is too
long and I intend to write a lot too :-).

First, thank you for your answer. I made a solution too, but I have to say
that I am amazed at how IE is handling the tables size! I made a table and I
cloned it's header; and the clone is different from the cloned! So, I had to
synchronize the cloned header with the real one. But in some cases, after I
synchronize each TD, the two headers were still not synchronized! So, I had
to repeat the synchronization. I made a function that generate tables, so I
made many tests, and this is the result (IE only):

<title> Test </title>


// table rows number: (change them and see what happents)
var rowNum = 20;

// table columns number:  (change them and see what happents)
var colNum = 9;

// Array that holds the columns width
var arrTDwidth = new Array (77, 31, 71, 113, 52, 53, 41, 64, 55, 90, 70,
145, 23, 50, 30, 120, 200, 80, 70, 180, 12, 90, 70, 145, 23, 50, 30, 120,
200, 80, 70, 180, 12, 90, 70, 145, 23, 50, 30, 120, 200, 80, 70, 180, 12,
90, 70, 145, 23, 50, 30, 120, 200, 80, 70, 180, 12, 90, 70, 145, 200, 80,
70, 180, 12, 90, 70, 145, 23, 50, 30, 120, 200, 80, 70, 180, 12, 90, 70,
145, 23, 50, 30, 120, 200, 80, 70, 180, 12, 90, 70, 145, 200, 80, 70, 180,
12, 90, 70, 145, 23, 50, 30, 120, 200, 80, 70, 180, 12, 90, 70, 145, 23, 50,
30, 120, 200, 80, 70, 180, 12, 90, 70, 145, 200, 80, 70, 180, 12, 90, 70,
145, 23, 50, 30, 120, 200, 80, 70, 180, 12, 90, 70, 145, 23, 50, 30, 120,
200, 80, 70, 180, 12, 90, 70, 145, 200, 80, 70, 180, 12, 90, 70, 145, 23,
50, 30, 120, 200, 80, 70, 180, 12, 90, 70, 145, 23, 50, 30, 120, 200, 80,
70, 180, 12, 90, 70, 145, 200, 80, 70, 180, 12, 90, 70, 145, 23, 50, 30,
120, 200, 80, 70, 180, 12, 90, 70);

// function that create the table
function drawTab (rows, cols, color, id)
 sHTML = "<TABLE id='"+id+"' bgcolor='"+color+"' border=1

 sHTML += "\n<THEAD id='downTblHead'>\n";


 for (var j=0; j < cols; j++)
  width = arrTDwidth;
  sHTML += "<TH id='a0"+j+"' nowrap style='word-wrap: break-word;'
style='width:"+arrTDwidth[count]+"pt;'>this is cell: Row"+i+"Col"+j+"</TH>";
  //alert ("this is cell: Row"+i+"Col"+j+"\n"+arrTDwidth[count]);
 count = 0;

 sHTML += "\n</THEAD>\n";
 sHTML += "\n<TBODY>\n";

 for (var i=1; i<rows; i++)
  sHTML += "\n<TR>\n";

  for (var j=0; j<cols; j++)
   width = arrTDwidth;
   sHTML += "<TD id='a"+i+j+"' style='word-wrap: break-word;' nowrap
style='word-wrap: break-word;' style='width:"+arrTDwidth[count]+"pt;'>this
is cell: Row"+i+"Col"+j+"</TD>";
   //alert ("this is cell: Row"+i+"Col"+j+"\n"+arrTDwidth[count]);
  count = 0
  sHTML += "\n</TR>\n";

 sHTML += "\n</TBODY>\n";
 sHTML += "\n</TABLE>";

 return sHTML;


// function that clones the real header and changes the original IDs (for
not duplicate any IDs).
function cloneHeader ()
 // clone header
 var x = document.all['downTblHead'].cloneNode(true);

 // changing orig. IDs
 for (var j = 0; j < colNum; j++)
  document.all['a0'+j].id = 'head'+j;

 document.all['downTblHead'].id = "downTblHead4hidden";

 // adding the cloned header to the upper table.
 document.all['upTbl'].appendChild (x);

 document.all['upTbl'].width =

 synchronizeHeader ()

// function that synchronize
function synchronizeHeader ()
 var ok = true;
 var max = 0;

 // the table may not synchronize at first time; if not, I repeat the
procedure (maximum 20 times)
 while (ok && max < 20)
  ok = false;

  for (var j = 0; j < colNum; j++)
   if (document.all['a0'+j].offsetWidth !=
    ok = true;
    //alert ("before: \n" + document.all['a0'+j].offsetWidth + "\n" +
    document.all['a0'+j].style.width = document.all['head'+j].offsetWidth;
    //alert ("after: \n" + document.all['a0'+j].offsetWidth + "\n" +
//alert (max);

// reading the scrollBars width (depending on the OS settings).
function getScrollBraWidth ()
  var elem = document.createElement("DIV");
  elem.id = "asdf";
  elem.style.width = 100;
  elem.style.height = 100;
  elem.style.overflow = "scroll";
  elem.style.position = "absolute";
  elem.style.visibility = "hidden";
  elem.style.top = "0";
  elem.style.left = "0";

  document.body.appendChild (elem);

  scrollWidth = document.all['asdf'].offsetWidth -

  document.body.removeChild (elem);
  delete elem;
 catch (ex)
  return false;

 return scrollWidth;

// function that find the xPos of an HTML object;
function findPosX (obj)
 var curleft = 0;

 // go into a loop that continues as long as the object has an offsetParent
 while (obj.offsetParent)
  // add the offsetLeft of the element relative to the offsetParent to
curleft and set the object to this offsetParent
  curleft += obj.offsetLeft
  obj = obj.offsetParent;
 return curleft;


<body bgcolor="#000000", text="#ffffff" onLoad="cloneHeader ();">

<div id="headerContainer" style="position: absolute; z-index:2;">
<TABLE  id='upTbl' bgcolor='gray' border=1 style="tableLayout:fixed">

<div id="dataContainer" style="height:600;overflow:scroll; z-index:1;
position: absolute;" >
<script language="JavaScript">
 // writting the table
 document.write (drawTab (rowNum, colNum, "", "data"));

 // adding scrollBar width to the dataContainer div
 document.all['dataContainer'].style.width =
document.all['data'].offsetWidth + getScrollBraWidth ();

 // adding scrollBar width to the dataContainer div
 document.all['headerContainer'].style.width =


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