[Javascript] rollover/cascading menu problem

Angie Geelan angie at angiegeelan.com
Tue Feb 19 12:31:37 CST 2002

To begin, I am a novice JavaScripter who mainly modifies existing scripts to
meet my needs. These particular questions address some problems I am having
with a site redesign at work.

I have replicated a functioning script on our server so that I can simply
modify it with our information. I have been fairly fortunate getting that to
happen except that the original images do not restore. I know that there is
probably a quick fix, but I can't seem to find it, and I've been staring at
the code for two days!!!

Functioning Menu - This is how I want mine to work...

Same scripts with my images, etc. - Note the images don't restore

And the second issue is that the page will have Flash components near the
top and the menus drop down BEHIND the Flash stuff. How do I stop this? Can
I do something with layers?

Any suggestions or insights on any of these issues would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!


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