[Javascript] TextBox Properties

Mark.Drozd at walgreens.com Mark.Drozd at walgreens.com
Wed Feb 20 09:57:10 CST 2002


I am new to your Javascript list and did not find the following question in
your archives. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I  am trying to find a way using javascript to enable a textbox so the user
can type into it.

I am running IE 5.0 and am trying to find a way using javascript to enable
a textbox so the user can type into it.

Initially the textbox is set to disabled so the user cannot edit it. I
would like them to first click a button which (onclick) will call a
function and  enable the textbox for user input. Can anyone tell me how I
can do this?

Textbox is initially set to disabled
<input disabled type='text' size='16' maxlength='16' name='txtAccountNbr' value=">;

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