[Javascript] Passing Objects from one window to another in Javascript

Pramod Jain, INDENT pramod at indent.org
Fri Jul 5 12:27:53 CDT 2002

I am trying to access an object and I have tried two options, both have not
worked.  Would appreciate help
Option 1.  I get "Permission Denied":

In caller window:

function Object1()
	this.phr = "abc";
	this.openWind = open.Wind;
	function openWind() {
		newwin = open.window("ab.htm","");
obj1 = new Object1();
	<input type=button onClick="obj1.openWind()">

In the called window:

function init(){

<body onLoad="init()">


Option 2:  I get "object does not support this property or method
In Caller window:
function Object1()
	this.phr = "abc";
	this.openWind = open.Wind;
	function openWind() {
		window.showModalDialog("ab.htm", this);
obj1 = new Object1();
	<input type=button onClick="obj1.openWind()">

In the called window:

function init(){

<body onLoad="init()">


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