[Javascript] setTimout problems (again)

Peter Brunone peter at brunone.com
Thu Jul 11 10:22:04 CDT 2002


	I would suggest not using the same name for two variables, even if one is
global and one local.

Just an extra 2 cents...


|-----Original Message-----
|From: javascript-admin at LaTech.edu [mailto:javascript-admin at LaTech.edu]On
|Behalf Of Chris Basken
|Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 10:04 AM
|To: JSList
|Subject: [Javascript] setTimout problems (again)
|Why is setTimout such a pain to use?  I have a function that I want to call
|itself every so often:
|putLayer(layerName,timeOutPause,Xinc,Yinc,toX,toY,moveSteps,currentStep) {
| document.all[layerName].style.left =
|Math.round(parseInt(document.all[layerName].style.left) + Xinc);
| document.all[layerName].style.top  =
|Math.round(parseInt(document.all[layerName].style.top) + Yinc);
| currentStep++;
| if (currentStep <= moveSteps) {
| }
|This function works once (it's called from elsewhere; a setup function that
|defines those arguments initially), then warns me that "layerName is not
|defined".  I've tried it with the function call in quotes, not quoted,
|quoted but with the arguments not in quotes ("putLayer(" +
|layerName + "," +
|timeoutPause... etc), and with the arguments following the pause argument
|(which is what Netscape's DevEdge page says to do).  Nothing
|works.  Is this
|function just defunct or something?  Or am I blind as a bat and
|there's some
|silly error in my function causing it to frank out?
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|Javascript at LaTech.edu

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