[Javascript] Trapping "File not Found"

Hassan Schroeder hassan at webtuitive.com
Wed Jul 24 12:18:23 CDT 2002

"Stern,Matthew" wrote:

> I'm using JavaScript to create an HTML page that is the startup screen for installation. The
> challenge is that the programs that can be launched from this screen might be on two CDs. I'd like
> to find a way to trap the "File not Found" error and show an alert that instructs the user
> to insert the correct CD. 

You can have a different test image on each CD and use the Error 
event -- quick sample:

<script type="text/javascript">
function woops()
	document.write('<h1 style="color: red;">Dude, insert the other CD!</h1>');

<img src="otherCDImage.gif" height="100" width="100" onerror="woops();">

If 'otherCDImage' fails to load because it's only on the CD that's
not mounted, woops() will run ...

Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- hassan at webtuitive.com 
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   === http://webtuitive.com

    -- creating dynamic Web sites and applications since 1994 --

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