[Javascript] RE: Script transferring values - so close (Peter Brunone)

Glenn Morris gmorris at sct.com
Thu Jun 13 11:48:54 CDT 2002

Thanks Rodney and Peter but I have already tried the Query string
option. I cannot use it because on the actual form I will have to much
data coming over (I just used two as an example). Also I cannot use
any other method but Javascript (to many details to go into). There
has to be a way in Javascript to pass values from one page to another
page(an html form I created and is sitting in same dir. as original)
in the same browser. Believe me when I say I have no other option.

Why not use METHOD="GET" and then parse the values out of the query


             In the script below, you are specifying a form called
"form1" that does not
exist.  If you were to change "form1" to "mno", you would of course
get the
data in the textarea called "Newform"... but apparently that's not
what you want.
             Have you considered a server-side solution?  Parsing the
querystring (as
Rodney suggested) would definitely work, but if you have the option to
CGI, ASP, PHP, etc. I would definitely recommend doing so.  Your
admin will know what tools you can use; it's probably worth the call.



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